Marden Medical Practice

Winter Illness Centre

Winter Illness Centre Announcement

Winter Illness Centre Poster

A brand new Shrewsbury wide initiative to support local GP practices with extra capacity through the winter is launching soon.

The winter Illness Centre set up by Shrewsbury Primary Care Network will start to offer extra appointments from late October 2023. The aim of the service is to provide additional appointments to reduce pressure on primary care and support reducing the number of people visiting hospital Emergency Departments.

The winter illness centre will provide appointments for patients with respiratory symptoms such as a cough, sore throat or earache. It is not a walk in service and appointments will not be off ered to patients with conditions that are chronic, complex or require ongoing care. If patients are not able to get to the centre they will be seen in their usual practice.

Dr Charlotte Hart, Clinical Director for Shrewsbury Primary Care Network said “We are pleased to be able to offer extra face to face ‘on the day’ appointments that will help to take the pressure off our GP practices this winter. The hope is that the centre will run Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm once it gets established.”

Please remember that if you need help and advice quickly about a medical condition, visit NHS111 online to find out where you need to go to get the treatment and help you need.